Thursday, November 6, 2008

Differing opinions

I LOVE talking to people about ideas and opinions in which we DON'T agree. I just wish I could find more people that wouldn't be offended by the fact that I may not agree. I know I don't know every answer, every option, or every outcome, but I am more than willing to listen to other people's ideas and opinions with an open mind. I enjoy enlightning conversations that can possibly open my eyes or mind to things or ideas I had never thought about.

I have a friend that I went to school with. Her and I disagree on many things, but it doesn't change the fact that she is God's creation and she has a right to her own opinion and ideas. I love reading her blog because her ideas are so different than mine. I'm not offended by them, I respect them. It doesn't change the fact that she's doing great things by involving and teaching her 1 year old in and about politics and the things she believes in.

I have a tendency to play "devil's advocate", not because I believe in all the situations, but because I want to be aware of all the possibilities and knowing that my way might not be the best way.

I got called out on it once at work. They told me I shouldn't be asking particular questions because it didn't pertain to me. If I'm in a room full of people and I have a question about something that I may have observed or could actually get in trouble for, I doubt I'm the only person that has ever had that question. Why shouldn't I be able to ask it?

Why is it so hard to find people that can truly appreciate others' difference and not feel the need or urge to argue about everything? I know some people don't even share their opinions or ideas in fear that someone will argue with them or even insult them.

1 comment:

jillacarter said...

I love reading your blog and your comments! I never get offended by what you write! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. That is what is so great about this country! I still want to come visit and eat cereal and talk politics.