Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Saving My Way to Health

It's been over a year (aside from a few months in the summer) since I replaced my store bought mouthwash with coconut oil and my teeth are noticeably whiter (at least to me). I can't smell my own breath in the morning. My ulcers have completely disappeared and my morning sneezes are almost gone, although I'm not sure if it's because of the coconut oil or other dietary changes I've made recently.
In trying to get healthy and cure my allergies and my children's eczema, I've been doing a LOT of research about not only getting healthy and clean on the inside but also getting healthy from the outside in. Chemicals in your body don't just come from the things you eat, but from the products you put in your body whether you ingest them or not.
About 2 weeks ago, I started using coconut oil as a fash wash/make-up remover and moisturizer. I LOVE it! My face is smoother and I've only had 1 or 2 small zits that dried out almost as quick as they appeared. Normally, I can predict mother nature's visit by what my face is doing. I've been dealing with acne for over 20 years so this is EXCITING for me! I really did NOT want to be fighting acne at the same time my kids were... I mean come on! A mom needs to be able to guide her kids through some things that she's experienced and conquered right??? Now that I've conquered it, hopefully they won't have to worry about it and can save $$$ from what I've learned.
I also use coconut oil for lotion on my legs. It doesn't take much and it smells and feels fabulous. My husband isn't a fan of coconut, but he hasn't said anything about me smelling like a coconut yet.
I replaced ALL of this...
 with this!!!
I just started eating 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil every morning to help fight any candida or parasites I might have (and don't know about) and I cook with it. No more PAM spray for me! I guess I should have added that to the picture above.
Next on my list is to remove store bought deodorant since it has high levels of aluminum which has been link to Alzheimer's as well as many other illnesses.
My friend pinterest has helped A LOT in giving me recipes to use around the house.
This website shows 160 ways and benefits to using coconut oil.

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