Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Chicken Zoodle Soup a.k.a. Bone Broth Soup

 It's been 4 days since my cheat (when I ate the smore) and although I haven't been eating like I used to, I haven't been eating whole foods like I had been and my sinuses are suffering. The past few days have me realize even more how much better eating right really does make me feel and how much more I need to be sugar free, dairy free, and as of now legume free. This isn't going to be so easy when my husband and I go on dates, but it will be possible.

I made my first bone broth soup tonight and am eating as I type this. I put a little chicken in it hoping my kiddo will eat it, but used zucchini instead of noodles and used carrots. It's a little bland because I didn't use seasoning, but other than that, it's not bad. The broth itself actually tastes like the broth in chicken noodle soup.

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