Saturday, December 6, 2014

Being Prepared

I knew Thursday was going to be a busy day and I wouldn't be home to cook dinner so after kids got ready for school I started dinner in the crockpot. I found a great GAPS recipe from pinterest that seemed pretty easy so I thought I would try it. It's Stage 3 GAPS, but since we don't have Bone Broth yet, I figured it wouldn't hurt to eat something that was GAPS approved.
When starting a new food lifestyle it's important to be prepared. As I put everything in the crockpot I realized I didn't have cilantro or broth so I had to run to store before taking kids to school because that was the only time I had to get it. I put everything in crockpot and it was done by 12:30 and family was able to eat a delicious dinner that EVERYONE loved without me being there.
Here's the recipe we used.
When I got home that night my husband said the kids LOVED it and actually raved about it... Adding this to our regular menu. It was SO easy and would have been easier had I had everything I needed when I started cooking. ;-)

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