In working to a clean health from the inside out, all of these are kindly being donated to my husband's work. Some are a month past expiration or are about to expire, but guys don't care. If they don't want to eat them, they can definitely throw them away. I'm replacing all of these store bough chemicals with my very first fermenting veggies
This is from one head of cabbage. One thing the recipes online didn't say was to put something underneath the fermenting veggies because they could swell and the brine could overflow at night. I figured that out when I woke up to find some papers and one of my daughter's pieces of art wet. Of course, I might have put too much water and brine in the jars. Lesson learned. The cabbage could take 3 days - 2 weeks depending on my preference to tartness to be ready and the carrots are scheduled to take 2 weeks.
Fermented Veggies are a great source of probiotics and have LOTS of benefits.
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