Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I was WRONG!

Last week we had a few friends over for a small Christmas party. I had been doing SO good on my new lifestyle diet that I decided ONE cheat would be OK. Just one... it's OK right... I mean everyone else is eating it. I was SO wrong!!!! I had one s'mores that turned into one bite of apple cobbler and WOW has my body been letting me know how much it does NOT like all of the sweet delights. That night my throat and ears started itching but after about 30 ounces of water it finally stopped. Here it is 3 days later and my throat is starting to burn, my nose is running a little (again) and I am exhausted. My 4 year old being awake from 12 AM - 3 AM the night before last didn't help with the exhaustion, but I can't help but wonder how I'd feel if I had not rebelled and "treated" myself. Lesson learned... back to square 1.
 Today, I'm planning to get my GAPS diet binder prepared so I can officially start the changes next week while the kids are out... or maybe I should wait until they start school... hmmmm... either way, I want it ready and prepared with LOTS of recipes so I have to do as little thinking and a lot of preparing as I can.

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