A full day of goodness. Today was Day 1 of no sugar, now wheat (or carbs), and no dairy for my kids. In starting on this journey naturally it puts more on my plate, but if it means drama free, eczema free, runny nose free, and mood swing free kiddos, then it'll be worth it. Today, my wonderful husband made breakfast with eggs and sausage for the kids and they loved the eggs. My husband is a fabulous cook, but he calls my new way of eating my "voodoo" diet. LOL
I took several pictures all day of everything I had cooked, but unfortunately I didn't have my card in my camera so I don't have them saved to share. Sorry. I'll do better next time. ;-)
For me, I had leftover spaghetti squash hashbrowns. They were SO good and I'm looking forward to making more tomorrow.
We had some friends over today and it was so cute when one of our visitors asked me where the snacks were. She ended up with a banana, an apple, and a pickle. Before long it was lunch time. Since I had just purchased a bag of tater tots, my 4 year old begged for some. Although they are a starch, I went ahead and made some for everyone, but since we had just ran out of ketchup it was up to me to make some. My adoration for pinterest did not fail me.
I grabbed my last can of tomato paste, pulled up this recipe, and within a few minutes had ketchup that even my guests enjoyed. I even sent some home with my friend. Although I did have most of the required ingredients from the pinterest recipe, I did have to make a couple of adjustments because I did not have glycerin for the sweetener. No need to fear though, Amazon is sending me some. Instead of the glycerin, I added a little honey and brown sugar. I know the brown sugar is sugar so we weren't completely sugar free, but it wasn't even 1/4 tsp. It was more than 0 sugar, but still less than they usually have.
After lunch, we had an early dinner. My 4 year old began asking for pizza. He is fully aware he can't have dairy because of how his body reacts, so again, I got on pinterest for GAPS approved pizza recipes. Although I'm using GAPS based diet, I have NOT incorporated bone broth into my kid's diet YET. It's not far away though.
So, to make homemade pizza, I needed a crust recipe and a marinara recipe. In looking for pizza crust recipes, a lot called for cauliflower, which I had in the fridge, would have been good, but they also called for almond and coconut flour, of which I did not have. I finally found this recipe and although I cooked it longer than they suggested and it turned out a little harder than theirs probably did and didn't brown like they said it would, it still turned out good. My 2 youngest kids LOVED it. My oldest was in a mood so I'm not sure if he liked it or not.
Here's the pizza crust recipe I found and used. It does call for parmesan cheese, which I did use, which is GAPs approved, but obviously dairy free. In making my crust, I formed an outer edge so the sauce would stay contained and the kids would have something to hold when they ate.
My youngest, my middle, and my husband each had 2 pieces. My daughter said it was "100% good".
It wasn't long after we had eaten dinner than my daughter began asking for snacks. That girl can EAT and since we were out of fruit because we had eaten all of it today, I had to get back on pinterest and find something. I found these cauliflower bites. Her and I were the only ones that liked them. They were purposed to be popcorn replacement, but that didn't work out. Perhaps I should have let them brown a little longer.... Maybe next time.
Day 1 wasn't perfect, but it was a start.
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