Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's official!

M and I have officially been given "temporary" guardianship for the girls. Right now it's only until June 1, 2009. My sister says if they are having a good time, they will be able to stay longer. My mom and I are anticipating their stay to be longer. They have already picked out bedspreads and a bed that M is going to make for them.

I have ordered their science and math and am going to view a History curriculum that a friend of mine has before I purchase it. It really does seem as though everything is coming together. They've already asked me when they curriculum is going to be here. I think they are excited about it. Now, I need to go to the bookstore and buy some workbooks for K. He's excited about doing school with the girls.

He's enjoying them being here so much, that he doesn't want to take naps or go to sleep because he's afraid they won't be here when he wakes up. He knows they are going to be here for a while, but he doesn't know all the details of why.

When I had prayed about being pregnant by the end of 2008, I had no idea that God had intended us to have 2 teenagers instead.

God had planned something better for us so that only together with us they be made perfect. Hebrews 11:40

1 comment:

jillacarter said...

That is awesome! You are perfect to handle 2 teenagers!