Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Song from Church

With the Dow Jones and house market frenzy and the upcoming election, one can't help but have a slight curiosity about what is going to happen to our country in the next 4-8 years. SO many people have given fruit to past presidents not completely knowing or understanding how they truly effected the economy and it's current happenings. That's right - it not ALL Bush's fault. I'm sorry, but there were presidents before him, do you really think if one was bold enough to have an affair on his wife while in office, that he didn't commit some economical wrongdoings - seriously!

I was at a conference in KY a couple of weekends ago and found out a few things from Bob McEwen. Did you know the Financial Advisor appointed by Clinton during his term was paid $333,333 a WEEK while the President only made $275,000 a year. UNBELIEVABLE!!! He was the largest pay out from all this Fannie Mae and mortgage crisis we are currently in. Did you also know the second largest payout went to Barack Obama? Yep, the guy that is running for President. I had NO idea. How could I have known? I don't know what role he played, because Bob McEwen wasn't try to sway our vote, but to make sure we were informed. He never talked ill of either party, just gave facts.

Anyway... today at church our pastor opened up the sermon with a new song that I wanted to share.... it's sang to the tune of "He's got the Whole World in His Hands."

He's got the Dow Jones in His Hands.....
He's got the Presidential Election in His Hands...
He's got your 401K in His Hands....
He's got the Whole World in His Hands....

No matter what happens in this Presidential Election or in the years to follow, I know that God is in control. Although I might face persecution while on earth, God is in control of my life and I will see Him on the other side.

God is in control, but we must do our part. Are you registered to vote? Do you know who you are voting for and WHY? Make sure it's for the politically correct reason and not because he's a Democrat! I know where I will be on Nov. 4 with two young kids in tow!

Thanks to and our pastor for helping me decide what to write about today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was that bro. Steve? He's so creative! I had to sing it to get the full effect. :)

Miss y'all! (oh, and thanks for the fishpole tip!)