Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Can Eat Again!!!!

Yeah! My tongue only has one small ulcer on the tip of it. I was able to eat some food yesterday and am feeling much better. Just in time to go out of town.

My first trip without either of the kids. I'm feeling a little sad about it though. I have a strong feeling I am going to come home and baby L is going to have a tooth. She was up a couple of times last night whining. As soon as I gave her some tylenol and her pacifier she was good for a couple of more hours.

She's had some crazy diapers the past couple of days and she hasn't really wanted a bottle too much. She's ok with eating real food or nursing, but hasn't really "drank" too much. So, we shall see what happens. I've come to terms with the fact that even if I do miss seeing her the day she gets her first tooth, I have a lot more firsts to have with her.

I love my life as a stay at home mom!

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