Saturday, December 5, 2009

She Doesn't Need My Help

A few minutes ago, as I was checking my e-mail, I heard the fridge beep (because it had been open too long). I knew L could open the freezer as she does sometimes to get frozen fruit and thought she was just getting some for herself. I asked her to close it, but when I didn't hear it close, I had to go see what was going on and why she wasn't doing what I had asked.

Well, apparently she didn't want frozen fruit. She had pulled a chair in front of the refrigerator, opened both doors, and was trying to get something to eat. When she saw me, she looked at me innocently, handed me the bottle of hot sauce she had taken out of the side door, and pointed to the container with the "fish" (tuna fish). I guess she was hungry and wasn't interested in telling me and decided she could do it herself.

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