Saturday, February 14, 2009

Girls Gone Home

I just got back from taking the girls to meet their mom. They are staying the night with her in their rooms, their house, with their sister, and with their mom. They said they didn't get much sleep last night because they were so excited about seeing her and spending time with her. Courtney was especially excited. After we finished our meal at McDonald's at the 1/2 way mark, she wanted to wait outside until she got there. I told her she could, but I wanted to stay inside and wait with the 2 younger ones. She chose to wait inside with us, but as soon as she saw her mom drive up, she bolted outside. It really was a wonderful sight!

Since M is working tomorrow, L and I are going to drive to the 1/2 way point (about 2 hours) tomorrow evening to pick them up. I'm excited to hear about the wonderful time they got to share with their mom and their younger sister.

They say there isn't anything stronger than a mother's love, but I think a child's love for their parents can be just as strong.

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