Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 36

I didn't post anything about my 36 week appointment because there was no change. I was still dilated to 1 cm and the baby was still low. Fortunately, because of the massage I had the Monday prior to my appointment, I was feeling great and felt as though I could actually make it another 3 weeks, comfortably.

Now that I'm approaching 37 weeks and another Dr. appointment, the feeling of "good" is starting to vanish. Although the pain I had from carrying the baby low is gone thanks to the wonderful massage I got, other things are starting to change. My sinus issues finally caught up with me. I was hoping to avoid them all together this pregnancy, but better the last few weeks than the first 12 weeks, like when I was pregnant with my daughter.

The past two days have been a little bothersome. I have been very nauseous and my sinuses were dry yesterday and last night and can't seem to stop running today. With the sinus drainage I also have a slight headache, but at least it's slight and not intolerable. I go for my weekly on Thursday. I'm not expecting any change as my back pains and contractions are very minimal.

Did I mention that my nose has widened. I never noticed that with my other two until I looked back at pictures, but with this one, it is VERY noticeable.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I got another ultrasound. We only stayed in the facial region as not to "accidentally" find out the gender of the baby. I have to say though that this one looks a lot like K did in his late ultrasound pics. I'm getting very excited about meeting the newest addition and watching K and L interact with him/her.


The Fruge's said...

I'm excited to meet the new addition also! Are your lips swollen?? If so, it won't be long. I had someone tell me that and that's the night my water broke!! Weird huh?!

Mommy N said...

I had never heard that one, but I had to go check. My lips have a "natural pucker" to them so it's hard to say. I'll have to compare before and after pics. :-)