Friday, March 26, 2010

He's Here!!!!

Teagan Ford arrived on Monday, March 22 @ 5:34 p.m. He weighed 7 lb 6 oz and was 20 in long. The delivery went fairly quickly.

After getting stuck in traffic, picking up the kids something to eat, and then dropping them off at the sitters, we finally made it to the hospital about noon and was admitted about 12:30. Although I was having contractions, I had not dialated much more since my last Dr. visit, so they went ahead and started the induction. I got an epidural about 1:34 p.m. and 4 hours later, our precious son arrived with bleach blonde hair. K was SO excited that he was right about the baby being a boy. During delivery the Dr. told me I dislocated my tailbone, but much to my surprise, it hasn't hurt at all. Of course, I did send a prayer request out before I left the hospital so I'm sure that had something to do with it. ;-) God is amazing!

The past few days have been filled with wonderful company and a mile long to-do list, but the adjustment hasn't been bad. The kids absolutely LOVE their new brother and shower him with hugs and kisses. K loves to help get diapers for me when I change T and L just runs around screaming "baby".

T saying his bedtime prayers!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

So glad you posted pictures! I've been dying to see the new little cog in your family wheel. :)

Blessings to the newest part of the picture.