Wednesday, March 10, 2010

K's Dental Appt.

K had a dental appointment today. It was his first one in over a year and it was at a new dentist that is not considered a "pediatric" dentist. He did SO good. I was a little disappointed that I forgot my camera because of how well he did. Not only did he sit there and do everything she asked, but there was no hesitation on his part to let her "count" or clean his teeth. He did better with her in an adult chair than he did with his former pediatric dentist in the children's chair with the television on the ceiling. Although they didn't do any x-rays this time, the outcome was good. He has 20 teeth and his 6 year molars are right under the surface waiting to come out, one of his bottom front teeth is a little loose, and he didn't have any cavities. She also said he has a good bite and the little gaps in between his teeth are a good thing because it allows for his "big" teeth (I can't say adult) to come in without them being too crowded. I guess it's a good thing by daughter has lots of gaps in her teeth. ;-)

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