Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I am very aware that my son has a strong personality and has a stubborn streak, muck like his momma, but I got a new realization today when I picked him up from soccer camp.
I arrived about 30 minutes early so I could watch him in "action". Shortly after we arrived, his team settled down for a break and play time at the playground. As I watched him climb the rock wall with no help, I quickly realized he's growing up and becoming more independent. That's one of those bittersweet moments. I'm glad that he's becoming independent, as I don't want him to depend on us when he's 30, but at the same time, he is only 5. It doesn't seem as though he should be old enough to do things like that by himself. When he got to the top of the rock wall, he walked to the end of the bridge and "trolled" the bridge. He put his arms out as though he wasn't going to let anyone pass. After watching for a little while, I saw him let the other kids go by but there were often short conversations before they would pass.
When I picked him up from camp, he said he had a good time and did a lot more today than he did yesterday. After he told me about playing soccer, I asked him about the playground incident. He smiled and said, "Oh, yeah. They had to tell me please before I would let them by." No one ever got rude or upset with the other person, but my son controlled the funnest part of the playground by making the other kids say please to get by.

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