Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 35

The countdown has begun and my weekly "fun" Dr. visits have started. I have to say, this time wasn't nearly as unpleasant as the past two first weekly visits that I've had. When looking back at my kid's baby books I realized it was because my first two kids were so high that the check was very uncomfortable. Although having a baby sit on my pelvis and almost feel as though it's going to drop out when I walk sometimes is uncomfortable, it made for a much easier and painless doctor visit.
With my son, I didn't start dilating until I was 36 weeks, but was still induced 3 days before my due date. With my daughter, I didn't do anything - NOTHING - until I was 39.5 weeks and I had only dilated to 1 cm at that point and was induced 2 days after my due date. Her delivery was easier than my sons, maybe because I took an epidural sooner. AHHH, drugs! With this pregnancy, the baby is low, which the doctor said is almost as good as dilating and I was dilated to 1 cm at the appointment. My contractions have been pretty consistent throughout the day and I had a hard time sleeping last night. I'm interested to see if my body will actually go into labor on it's own of if I will have another induction. Either way, my bags are packed and I'm ready to meet our newest blessing, whenever that time comes.

1 comment:

The Fruge's said...

How exciting! We can't wait to meet the newest family member!!