Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Official!!!

L is potty trained. Aside from wearing a diaper at night (just in case), she's been in big girl underpants for 5 days. She's really good about letting me know when she needs to go to the potty, especially when we're in public places. She has a tendency to go a lot more often when we're out than when we're at home. She really likes going in public restrooms when she finds out there is music playing. I guess you can say she does the "potty dance" when we find one that has music. I do have to say though, I never realized how convenient diapers were until I had a 21 month old that needed to go "potty" every 10 minutes when we go somewhere. It's worth it though. At least I don't have to worry about having 2 kids in diapers.

1 comment:

The Fruge's said...

YAY! How exciting. How are you feeling?