Monday, January 4, 2010


M left Saturday night to go axis hunting near San Antonio (about 6 hours from here). He's supposed to be back late Tues. night and will hopefully have killed something and will have some meat. While he's gone, I've decided to make the most of it and get a lot of odd jobs done around the house. Since I can't figure out how to do strike-thru, I'll just highlight the things I have done.

* Hook up wireless connection
* send in vacation vouchers (from October)
* return Christmas gift to Toys R' Us
* buy infant carrier
* clean school bookshelf
* pack up History books from bookshelf and put in attic
* put Christmas decorations in attic
* organize and clean L's closet
* print meeting information for MOPS
* send e-vite for MOPS
* update homeschool directory
* send updated homeschool directory to members
* sweep kitchen & living room
* mop kitchen & living room
* continue potty training/learning
* adjust K & L's car seat as they've seem to have grown
* finish growth chart/board for the kids that I started this summer
* school work with K - every day
* fill in sink holes in driveway

Of course, you can't forget usual play time with the kids as well as update blog.

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