Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st day of School

Today, we started "school" and everything went pretty smoothly. We started the morning with breakfast and devotional. I bought this book at the MOPS Convention and I like it. The devotions are enough to have a conversation with your child, but not too long that you loose their attention. It also has a Bible verse as well as a prayer for the day.

After breakfast and devotions, we did a little math, then we did a few things from Five in a Row with the book Papa Piccolo. We did a little experiment with food coloring in learning about primary and secondary colors. Now, K is excited about taking baths again because we're going to add food coloring to help him reinforce the learning. I found this "snake" on and it did a great job in aiding him to learn how to count by 2's. We cut it out and glued it together and drug it around the house for a couple of hours while reciting the numbers. I don't think he realized he was learning to count a faster way because he was having so much fun with his new pet snake. After we finished school, K and L played in the sink. They started off with the cups and then, once again, added food coloring for different effects. Their personalities are SO different. My little drama queen is pretending that she's in trouble. As soon as I took the picture, she started laughing. LOL! I love them!

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