Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Clean Up Time

Almost every night (that I remember) before bed time, I ask the kids to help clean up. K is amazingly wonderful at doing it while I'm putting his sister to bed when I forget to ask them. Tonight, I told them it was time to clean and as I sat in L's bedroom helping her clean her room, K cleaned the living room. After the living room was spotless, K asked me to wet a washcloth and wring it out so he could wipe down the walls. I agreed. A few minutes later as I turned a corner I smelled something delightfully refreshing. K was directing his sister to spray dirt spots on the wall. She sprayed and he wiped. After they finished the walls, they did the doors, then the floors, and as I type they are doing the double glass doors. I don't have the heart to tell them it's not glass cleaner because they're working so hard. They just switched roles. L is now wiping down and K is spraying. T is just following them around not really sure what's going on. I guess teaching responsibilites can't start too young. It won't be too much longer before I'm out of a "job".

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