Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lost Tooth

K woke me up one day last week to tell me that his brother was awake and that he had a loose tooth. A few days later, it had become looser, but I decided it was time for it to come out. So, we attached a string of dental floss to the tooth and attached the other end to a door. When I closed the door, the string came off and the tooth was still in K's mouth. I tried again and before I could finish knotting it, T closed the door, but again the string came off and the tooth didn't. I decided to take more extreme measures so I double knotted the string to the tooth. As soon as the knot was tightened and before I could turn, T slammed the door and K started screaming. As I looked at K I saw a mouth full of blood. T had been successful in pulling his big brother's loose tooth.

That night he put it in his "Tooth Pillow" that he got this past Christmas and when he woke up the "tooth fairy" had forgotten to pick it up. He was a little disappointed, but when he went in his room hours later and found 4 quarters in his pillow in place of his tooth, he exclaimed, "Look, Mommy! God turned my tooth into 4 quarters! That was so nice of Him." I asked him why he thought God had done it and he said it couldn't have been the Tooth Fairy because he hadn't seen anyone go in or come out of his room.... it HAD to have been God! Love the mind and faith of a child.

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