Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to School

I know it's been a while, but honestly, with business taking off like it has and trying to get school started, it's been a crazy time. In July, I had planned on starting school and taking a week off for a business trip to Ohio, but ended up taking almost the entire summer off. After I got back from my trip, my grandfather passed away and we spent a couple of days in Waco, TX for the funeral. Things are finally starting to settle and get on a schedule. I'm not sure how long it'll last, but hopefully at least a few weeks.

Even though we didn't start school as I had planned, we're ahead of schedule. We just did our 10th day and K is on his 4th week of Astronomy and History, his 22nd week of Math (so we're taking a short break) and his 6th week of English. Mars (full of craters)

Volcano Replica from Venus

L has actually become interested and has started to ask to write. This week, we are focusing on her A's and she's doing great!

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