Saturday, March 5, 2011

"90 Minutes in Heaven"

Before I left for Disney last week, I bought the book "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper. I had been wanting to read it for a couple of years but I finally realized my friend wasn't going to remember to loan me her copy so I bought my own. I read half of it on the way to Disney. Although I enjoy making new friends, I'm glad I had quiet people next to me because I really didn't want to put the book down. It was intriguing and gave me goose bumps.

On the way home, I was exhausted and had a great seat-mate (on the 2nd part of the trip) so I didn't get to finish the book like I had anticipated. Instead I spent the next 1.5 talking about God and family. It was great!

After 2 more short sittings at home, I finally finished it. "90 Minutes in Heaven", is a true story of death and life. It's a personal story about someone spending 90 minutes in heaven while his earthly body laid lifeless from a car accident while the cops waited for the ambulance to arrive to take him to the morgue. God had other plans.

As I finished the book, a wave of memories came back from when I was about 8 years old. Although I don't have a story like Don's, I can honestly say I'm not afraid of death because I know how calm and peaceful it is.

One summer, as I swam toward my older neighbor in a public water park's wave pool, I got tired. I remember reaching out to her and her saying, "I can't". I looked in her eyes and took one last breath. The next thing I knew, I was laying on my back with a lifeguard staring down at me. I know he was blond and lightly tan. I don't remember anything else. I don't remember what happened next or who all was there. I do remember the brightness of everything in between the time I took my last breath to when I took my next breath. I don't know that I ever really shared the in between or talked about it much after. I do remember telling friends that drowning isn't such a bad way to die because there isn't much struggle and there is no pain. I stopped telling people when they looked at me like I was crazy. I was blessed that the lifeguard was paying attention that day and rescued me. After reading Don's book, the memories from those particular moments in my life have been renewed and refreshed as though they just happened yesterday. I know God has a purpose for me and I pray everyday that I fulfill it and follow the path He lays in front of me.

1 comment:

Italia said...

This is an excellent story of one man's encounter with Heaven. The story is wonderfully told from the description of the accident to what he experienced in Heaven, Don Piper's experience comes to life on every page. His story of courage and all he overcame after the accident is compelling. How he tells the story of his Heavenly experience and recovery will make reader's stop and evaluate what is important in this world.