Thursday, March 10, 2011

One Question

About 4 years ago, an acquaintance from my church invited me to attend BSF. I agreed and went. BSF in an international Bible Study Fellowship that doesn't focus on religion or denomination but on His Word. We are asked not to look at any commentaries or mention the church we attend so that we can be completely open minded to hearing what is being read and studied.
I was really surprised at how many people I knew that had been attending for years and yet I didn't even know about it. It almost felt like a special club. An exclusive club that you had to be "invited" to be a part of. Although you do have to be invited to be a part of it because that's how it's only advertised through word of mouth, what makes it so "special" is the collective group of individuals. You don't have to be in the Country Club. You don't have to have so much money in your account(s). You don't have to be related to someone in particular. You just have to WANT to know His Word better. That's exactly why my friend invited me. We were in the same Sunday School class. She told me I seemed as though I was truly hungry for His Word. I was. I still am.

I started at the end of a year and was able to sign up for the following year. I had NO idea how much my life or anyone else's in my group would be impacted that year or the years to follow. I had a wonderful BSF discussion group leader that I still adore, admire, and pray for to this day. I made small connections with some of the ladies in that group that have extended to MOPS or to life in general. Although some of the ladies in the group had a definite outside connection, I continued to seek a connection with Him. (Galations 1:10)

The study that year was on Matthew. I really enjoyed getting to know the ladies and now watching our kids age together. My group leader would call every week and ask me if I had anything I would like to put on the prayer list. I felt a wonderful connection with her, as most do, and shared a lot with her. One time I asked her if there was anything I could pray for her about. It was a question that made sense. It was a question that deepened our relationship and allowed us to talk about things we may not have discussed before.

Today, almost 4 years later, as my former discussion group spoke to our group as a substitute, she spoke truths from her life. One thing she mentioned was a young girl in one of her groups a few years ago that once asked her if she could pray for her. It meant enough to her that she mentioned it in her lecture.

On my way home from lecture, I got a text informing me that I had been the only person in 10 discussion groups (10 years) that had ever asked her if I could pray for her. The text made me cry. It took me a while to figure out why. I know she is VERY loved, so I know people didn't ask because they didn't care. I know they not only care, but love they her very much. I cried because of God's love. I get a little overwhelmed sometimes in seeing Him work through me because I don't always feel worthy.

As Christ followers, we are called to encourage and lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ. By asking her one question that she had asked others hundreds of times, I was able to encourage a leader that means SO much to me. I had NO idea how much that one question would mean to someone that has had such a profound impact on my life. I can't help but wonder how many times God has used me in ways I never even knew. You see, any encouragement that I give may come from my lips, but is guided by Him.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus..." Romans 15:5

How has God used you for His purpose? How is He using you? How has He used someone else in your life to show you His love?

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."" Jeremiah 29:11

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