Much to my surprise this morning, I woke up before my husband's alarm went off. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I tried. I REALLY tried. Instead, I tossed and turned. Shortly after he left, I crawled out of bed. My alarm wasn't supposed to go off for another hour. *sigh* I could no longer resist the nudge God was giving me to do my study before my day started.
I got ready. The kids were asleep. The house was still dark. It was a perfect time for me to do my Bible Study. A perfect quiet time with the Lord.
I opened my Bible and my lesson was from Isaiah 50:1-11.
Isaiah 50:4b "He wakens me morning by morning, wakens
my ear to listen like one being taught." If I wouldn't have finally listened to the nudging, I would have missed a very important message.

Thank you for allowing me to be Your servant and waking me up this morning.
I have a feeling I will be waking up early more often.
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