Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution

I tried really hard and was doing good for a while, but have seemed to fallen back into my old habits. I can't seem to update my blog as often as I had originally hope. I noticed that it's been 10 days since my last post. Sorry!

I have several things to blog about, but tonight I'm going to tell you one of my New Year's Resolution.

As you can see on the right side of my blog, I am a member of Facebook. Although I try not to spend too much time on it, I find myself doing most of my Thirty-One business through FB, so I catch myself on it more than I would like. So, I decided to make it a part of my NYR.
When the new year started, I had a little over 650 "friends", all of which I personally know or have met (except for one blog follower). In realizing that I don't get to see or talk to every person on my "friend's list" very much, I decided that I would pay each and every person one sincere true to them heartfelt compliment. At the time I started I decided to give one compliment a day to two different people. So far, it's going well. Although I've missed a day or two, I've always gone back and caught up.
It's been great reading some of their responses. I don't know how or why I choose the people I compliment, but I do look through my list every single time before making the choice. What I've realized is that more times than not, God knew who needed it and He directed my choice. There have been several times that those that I have complimented said they needed it that day or it turned their day around. God knew.
Aside from those reading this now, there are only a couple of people that know about it because they asked. I didn't feel it was necessary to share it with everyone and I know there aren't many that read this, so I feel safe knowing it won't really get around. :-)
My "friend's list" has grown to almost 700 people and things are starting to get interesting and a little challenging because I will ONLY give honest compliments and I haven't seen some of these "friends" in over 15 years. Oh, the joy of the memory. *cough*cough*
Since doing this for 34 days, I can honestly say, it's one of the things I look forward to doing every night after the kids go to bed. The Bible says we should encourage one another. I decided to take advantage of something we have and do what I am commanded.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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