I did it! That's what the front of the shirt says and it's true. The Disney Princess Half Marathon can officially be crossed off my bucket list (although it never actually got on it because I don't know what happened to it).
Seven friends took this journey together this past weekend. We all survived and crossed the finish line. It was SO worth it! I had a blast getting to know the ladies and run on the heels of several Snow Whites, Pocahantes, Jasmines (even the guy dressed as Jasmine), Sleeping Beauty (there was a male one of these too), the frog from Princess and the Frog, and a couple of Captain Amercias.
Upon our arrival (which was 2 hours late) Friday evening after dropping our luggage off at the Port Orleans Riverside Resort, we headed to Epcot. We had fun riding a couple of rides and famliarizing ourselves with the transportation system. This is where I should say that I am SO glad I figured it out without the kids because it was a little confusing.
Saturday, we spent the day in Universal Studios and the finished the short evening at Downtown Disney in hopes of getting to bed early for our 3 a.m. departure the next morning for our race. We were all tired and restless. So much, that when I heard the crying baby outside our room a few minutes after I had falled asleep, I jumped out of bed, waking the girl I shared the bed with, only to quickly realize it was NOT my little man. He had stayed home with my mom and grandmother. LOL!
Needless to say, 3 a.m. came REALLY early and very quickly! Despite only have about 5 hours of sleep, we were all in our designated corral at 5 a.m. with the other 13,000+ runners.
The first corral was released at 5:45 and then the remaining were released in 15 min increments. Just like the first corral was released to fireworks, our was too at 6:30ish. Along the route, there were pirates, princes, princesses, pirate ships, and wonderfully lit mile markers. The best mile marker was the 1/2 way mark through the Magic Kingdom 's Castle. It was my first time through it and it was beautiful!
A friend of mine and I ran together almost the entire way. After sprinting the last 3/4 mile, I finished in 2,445th place with a time of 2:16.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sewing Table
I finally got a sewing table. It was a Valentine gift delivered on Valentine's day. M did a good job picking it out. I assembled it yesterday and organized it today. I'm looking forward to using it soon. I still need to finish the outfit I started at my mom's when we were there for our Snow Day. 

Now I just need a spool rack above it and a cabinet for keeping extra fabric next to it.
Snow Day
Last week, my mom informed me that they were supposed to get snow. My kids LOVE their Granny Nee and I haven't seen snow in a couple of years, so we took a road trip. It was supposed to snow on Wednesday, so we left on Tuesday. 6 hours later, the kids and I arrived at my moms. When she got home we all took a little trip to Wal-Mart so I could buy some fabric and a dress pattern so I would have something to "do" while we were snowed it. The snow started about 7 am and lasted until about noon. It snowed pretty heavily, but it wasn't wet enough to make a snowman. The 15 minutes that the kids played in the snow with their Granny Nee was worth it.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Warming Up
Today was a great outside day! Last night before going to bed, my oldest son got in trouble. For him that meant no gaming or computer today. He really doesn't do much of either, but just the fact that he can't play it is enough for him to behave better so he doesn't get punished from it again. You would think it wouldn't matter since he doesn't do either much, but I think it's a control thing. That and the fact that I got a new game for Valentine's day and he's REALLY good at it. He likes being good at things; who doesn't.
Fortunately for us, the weather was really nice so we spent most of the day outside. After we finished school, K played on the water slide while I played in the dirt. I finally got to work in my flower bed and pulled ALL the weeds and transplanted some tulips and other grasses. Now, I just need to buy more flowers for it so I can actually call it what it is... a flowerbed.
It was an eventful and productive day. At one point, I thought my daughter broke her foot. As I was digging weeds, I looked over to find her hold ... let me rephrase that... dropping a rather large concreted rock stepping stone on the top of her foot. She cried. I got to hold her. It bruised. She was playing 15 minutes later.
After she calmed down a bit and I was able to wipe her tears, K decided to play on the trampoline with water. He quickly realized the water wasn't going to warm up so he changed into dry clothes. That didn't last long.
At some point during my weed pulling, I discovered, and then killed, the first snake of the year. Although it wasn't as big as some of the ones I've seen around here, it wasn't a newborn either. I'm just glad it didn't grab onto my finger when I pulled it's bed out of the ground.
When L's speech therapist arrived at the house, I was working on our vegetable garden. All I did was till the ground, but it's one step closer to being ready for vegetables. When she left, I tilled some more while the 3 kids played on the trampoline. T LOVES being lightly bounced by his big brother. Who am I kidding! The boy LOVES his big brother. I'm amazed at how much he already follows K around and gets REALLY upset when he leaves the room. It's kind of cute.
Oh yeah! I even started painting a garden stake that was at the house when we moved here 3 years ago. I was going to paint the foyer, but my husband informed me that HE wanted to do that. One less thing on my list of to-dos.
I'm hoping tomorrow is less eventful and just as or even more productive.
Fortunately for us, the weather was really nice so we spent most of the day outside. After we finished school, K played on the water slide while I played in the dirt. I finally got to work in my flower bed and pulled ALL the weeds and transplanted some tulips and other grasses. Now, I just need to buy more flowers for it so I can actually call it what it is... a flowerbed.
It was an eventful and productive day. At one point, I thought my daughter broke her foot. As I was digging weeds, I looked over to find her hold ... let me rephrase that... dropping a rather large concreted rock stepping stone on the top of her foot. She cried. I got to hold her. It bruised. She was playing 15 minutes later.
After she calmed down a bit and I was able to wipe her tears, K decided to play on the trampoline with water. He quickly realized the water wasn't going to warm up so he changed into dry clothes. That didn't last long.
At some point during my weed pulling, I discovered, and then killed, the first snake of the year. Although it wasn't as big as some of the ones I've seen around here, it wasn't a newborn either. I'm just glad it didn't grab onto my finger when I pulled it's bed out of the ground.
When L's speech therapist arrived at the house, I was working on our vegetable garden. All I did was till the ground, but it's one step closer to being ready for vegetables. When she left, I tilled some more while the 3 kids played on the trampoline. T LOVES being lightly bounced by his big brother. Who am I kidding! The boy LOVES his big brother. I'm amazed at how much he already follows K around and gets REALLY upset when he leaves the room. It's kind of cute.
Oh yeah! I even started painting a garden stake that was at the house when we moved here 3 years ago. I was going to paint the foyer, but my husband informed me that HE wanted to do that. One less thing on my list of to-dos.
I'm hoping tomorrow is less eventful and just as or even more productive.
Friday, February 11, 2011
School Day
What K is learning/doing for "school".
After reading, we did a little bit of math. I was beginning to think he didn't know how to draw a straight line, but he finally did on the last problem. LOL
After reading and math, we ran errands and I purchased some tangrams. When we got home, they immediately openend them and starting making things. It was really fun to watch. I'm looking forward to using them a lot in the future.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
New Year's Resolution
I tried really hard and was doing good for a while, but have seemed to fallen back into my old habits. I can't seem to update my blog as often as I had originally hope. I noticed that it's been 10 days since my last post. Sorry!
I have several things to blog about, but tonight I'm going to tell you one of my New Year's Resolution.
As you can see on the right side of my blog, I am a member of Facebook. Although I try not to spend too much time on it, I find myself doing most of my Thirty-One business through FB, so I catch myself on it more than I would like. So, I decided to make it a part of my NYR.
When the new year started, I had a little over 650 "friends", all of which I personally know or have met (except for one blog follower). In realizing that I don't get to see or talk to every person on my "friend's list" very much, I decided that I would pay each and every person one sincere true to them heartfelt compliment. At the time I started I decided to give one compliment a day to two different people. So far, it's going well. Although I've missed a day or two, I've always gone back and caught up.
It's been great reading some of their responses. I don't know how or why I choose the people I compliment, but I do look through my list every single time before making the choice. What I've realized is that more times than not, God knew who needed it and He directed my choice. There have been several times that those that I have complimented said they needed it that day or it turned their day around. God knew.
Aside from those reading this now, there are only a couple of people that know about it because they asked. I didn't feel it was necessary to share it with everyone and I know there aren't many that read this, so I feel safe knowing it won't really get around. :-)
My "friend's list" has grown to almost 700 people and things are starting to get interesting and a little challenging because I will ONLY give honest compliments and I haven't seen some of these "friends" in over 15 years. Oh, the joy of the memory. *cough*cough*
Since doing this for 34 days, I can honestly say, it's one of the things I look forward to doing every night after the kids go to bed. The Bible says we should encourage one another. I decided to take advantage of something we have and do what I am commanded.
I have several things to blog about, but tonight I'm going to tell you one of my New Year's Resolution.
As you can see on the right side of my blog, I am a member of Facebook. Although I try not to spend too much time on it, I find myself doing most of my Thirty-One business through FB, so I catch myself on it more than I would like. So, I decided to make it a part of my NYR.
When the new year started, I had a little over 650 "friends", all of which I personally know or have met (except for one blog follower). In realizing that I don't get to see or talk to every person on my "friend's list" very much, I decided that I would pay each and every person one sincere true to them heartfelt compliment. At the time I started I decided to give one compliment a day to two different people. So far, it's going well. Although I've missed a day or two, I've always gone back and caught up.
It's been great reading some of their responses. I don't know how or why I choose the people I compliment, but I do look through my list every single time before making the choice. What I've realized is that more times than not, God knew who needed it and He directed my choice. There have been several times that those that I have complimented said they needed it that day or it turned their day around. God knew.
Aside from those reading this now, there are only a couple of people that know about it because they asked. I didn't feel it was necessary to share it with everyone and I know there aren't many that read this, so I feel safe knowing it won't really get around. :-)
My "friend's list" has grown to almost 700 people and things are starting to get interesting and a little challenging because I will ONLY give honest compliments and I haven't seen some of these "friends" in over 15 years. Oh, the joy of the memory. *cough*cough*
Since doing this for 34 days, I can honestly say, it's one of the things I look forward to doing every night after the kids go to bed. The Bible says we should encourage one another. I decided to take advantage of something we have and do what I am commanded.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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