Today was yet another good day. Once we stop having so many great days to talk about, I will update with Christmas pictures I promise.
School went really well today but mostly because I told K he couldn't shoot his bow until all his work was complete. He finished in record time. K is breezing through his "1st grade" math and has already done two weeks of work in a couple of days. I think Math and Science are going to be his strong areas.
As you know from yesterdays post, T started crawling yesterday. I have to say the boy wastes no time. When I walked in his room this morning, he was standing in his crib. I really thought I had at least a couple of weeks before he would start doing that. They grow so fast. I forgot to mention that his first tooth is coming in too. It hasn't broke through the gums yet, but I can see the whiteness of it every time he takes a bite of his baby food.
I finally was able to run again. Unfortunately, it wasn't very far. I was only able to run about 2 miles before I started having side pains and had to stop. I was a little disappointed considering I was able to run 7 miles a couple of weeks ago. I only have 7 weeks until the Disney 1/2 Marathon. I really need to figure out a way I can run more often.
After my run, M started laying floors down in our laundry room. He's decided to go ahead and tackle it so he can build a sewing station for me in there. I'm really excited about that. I really don't like taking my sewing machine out of a box and then putting it back in every time I want to use it.
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