Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grandfather's 93rd B-Day

This past weekend was SO exhausting. We drove to Waco for my grandfather's 93rd birthday. Overall, it was fun. I met some more cousins and became reacquainted with ones I hadn't seen since I was a kid. Afterward, we drove 2 hours to Austin, where we stayed the night with my brother. The kids adore my brother's family and had a blast. K especially liked his cousin's boyfriend because he let him beat him up.
My grandfather and some of his grandkids and great-grandkids.

My grandfather and some of his children. I think two of them were grandkids.
My parents. My brother and his family with my mom, dad, and my grandmother
(my mom's mom).
notice my daughter is gone... (see picture below) L eating with her cousin. She couldn't understand anything he said because he's from Scotland, but she liked him.
We were able to finally put her food down and take a picture.
Brother and his kids, my dad, my mom, grandma, and me with my kids
Finally! A picture with my parents and my kids

My niece and her boyfriend... they're so cute!Pillow Fight!!!(Pretend) Sword Fighting Until next time!!!

Pappy and his baby girl

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