Friday, January 21, 2011
Not Another Bath
She'll be 3 in April.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Yes, She Did!
Grandfather's 93rd B-Day
Thursday, January 13, 2011
M's godson
My heart goes out to their families. Michael was a handsome young man that loved life. He had a wonderful spirit and a great sense of humor. He seemed to get a long great with everyone. We didn't get to spend much time with him, but that didn't lessen our love for them. They were one of the first families I got to meet when my husband and I started dating. The boy's dad and M are childhood friends, so the connection is really strong. We will continue to pray for them as they learn to endure a new way of life based on memories. I pray they hold them close as they learn a new way of life.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
He Dances
K has really like his Spanish CD. I can't wait to show this to him when he's older. He didn't know I was videoing or he wouldn't have done this. The boy is so silly when he's in a good mood. Love him SO much!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Needless to say, she left and decided to come back a couple of hours later. I was able to blow up enough balloons to fill one trash bag before my kids starting fighting over the bag of balloons. They got in trouble. The phone rang and then the doorbell rang. Our friends were here and the lady on the phone was wanting to book a party. Oh boy! As the kids nagged to come out of their room, I got off the phone as my friend patiently waited for everything to calm down so we could chat and hang out. The kids came out of their room and played for a bit while I was able to have a much needed adult conversation with my friend. As soon as she left, M drove up. We had sandwiches for dinner. Yum Yum! They all played for a bit, took a bath, and got ready for bed. Here it is now 10 p.m. and I'm trying to catch up on computer work and still need to finish my Bible Study. Now that I've typed out my day the question is... Did you really need to know all of those details?
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011
Day in the Park
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My Sleeping Beauty
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Growing Too Fast!
As you know from yesterdays post, T started crawling yesterday. I have to say the boy wastes no time. When I walked in his room this morning, he was standing in his crib. I really thought I had at least a couple of weeks before he would start doing that. They grow so fast. I forgot to mention that his first tooth is coming in too. It hasn't broke through the gums yet, but I can see the whiteness of it every time he takes a bite of his baby food.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A Great Day!
Sleeping Baby

There's something about having a blanket on or over their faces that help them sleep better I guess.
Monday, January 3, 2011
First Grade
I read today that a friend of mine's kindergartner was learning fractions. K just finished his "K" math and there were no fractions. There aren't even fractions in his 1st grade math, but he'll get there. It gets a little hard sometime knowing what the public school system is teaching and knowing that my son isn't learning that right now, but then I realize, we've already talked about that and there are a lot of things the public school won't teach the kids that K will know and he will eventually learn fractions from a workbook as opposed to when we're eating pizza or cooking, which is very practical.
L colored a LOT today. She's getting a lot better at coloring inside the lines. She picked it up pretty quickly once her daddy sat down with her and colored a little. For some reason, I'm O.K. with my daughter coloring outside the lines right now. I'd like for her to start learning her colors. For now, everything is pink. I can hardly get her to count to four with me, but today, I heard her count to 6 when she was looking to see how much formula T had in his bottle. She knows more than she lets us know.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!!!!
Today was a really great day to the start of the upcoming year. After M woke up (from working nights), we went to his parent's house for our annual New Year's meal. I never really liked cabbage until I had my father-in-law's. He really knows how to cook and I'm blessed that my husband can cook good too. Truth is, I don't think my father-in-law has ever cooked anything I didn't like.
We had cabbage, pork, black eyed peas, rice and gravy, rolls instead of cornbread, and mashed potatoes. It was yummy. After we ate, K shot the gun a little and then him and his Nana caught lizards. :-) I have a wonderful video of L trying to get away from the lizard, but I don't think she would really appreciate me posting it.
I think she thought she was going to get a turn, but he didn't return the favor.
As soon as we got home, M went to work, the kids got ready for bed, we all hung out, and they went to bed quite easily. While they were sleeping, I had the chance to blog hop a little and decided to make something that was much needed.
My little man is drooling so much that we go through 3-4 bibs a day. We can't have enough, so I decided to make some. I bought the dog print fabric a while back to try to make a cloth diaper. Needless to say, I haven't got to that yet.