Friday, January 21, 2011

Not Another Bath

My daughter has been potty-trained for over a year now. She still has occasional accidents when she finds herself caught in the moment of play and doesn't want to stop what's she doing for a potty break. When that does happen, she gets in trouble and is no longer allowed to continue what she was doing for a while. Well... the other day, everyone took early baths in hopes that bedtime would happen a little quicker and not be so rushed. L took her bath first, got dressed and played around a little bit. When she realized K was about to take his bath, as soon as she heard the water running, she started stripping down in preparation for another bath. Needless to say, she was a little disappointed when I told her that she wasn't taking a bath because she had already had one. I guess she didn't like that because after she started walking away, she turned to me and said, "I pee pee in my panties". Yep! She pee peed in her panties so she could get a bath because she thought I wouldn't know what she had down. Call me a bad mom if you will, I don't care. She went to bed smelling like urine that night.
She'll be 3 in April.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yes, She Did!

Yes, it's true! My daughter sported a purple long sleeve shirt, a matching hair bow, purple crocs, socks and a pull-up around church Wednesday night. She's been potty trained for over a year and she decided to have an accident the one night I didn't have her bag of clothes with us. It was great! I made her wear her jacket around her waist. She could have cared less.

Grandfather's 93rd B-Day

This past weekend was SO exhausting. We drove to Waco for my grandfather's 93rd birthday. Overall, it was fun. I met some more cousins and became reacquainted with ones I hadn't seen since I was a kid. Afterward, we drove 2 hours to Austin, where we stayed the night with my brother. The kids adore my brother's family and had a blast. K especially liked his cousin's boyfriend because he let him beat him up.
My grandfather and some of his grandkids and great-grandkids.

My grandfather and some of his children. I think two of them were grandkids.
My parents. My brother and his family with my mom, dad, and my grandmother
(my mom's mom).
notice my daughter is gone... (see picture below) L eating with her cousin. She couldn't understand anything he said because he's from Scotland, but she liked him.
We were able to finally put her food down and take a picture.
Brother and his kids, my dad, my mom, grandma, and me with my kids
Finally! A picture with my parents and my kids

My niece and her boyfriend... they're so cute!Pillow Fight!!!(Pretend) Sword Fighting Until next time!!!

Pappy and his baby girl

Thursday, January 13, 2011

M's godson

I wish I had something funny to post today, but unfortunately not. We got a text last night about 11 p.m. letting us know that M's 16 year old godson had died in a car wreck that evening. Apparently he was speeding in his mom's car when he lost control, went into a ditch, flipped a couple of times, and then hit a tree. He died immediately. The 15 year old passenger was taken to the hospital and was put on life support. The doctors are optimistic about his recovery.
My heart goes out to their families. Michael was a handsome young man that loved life. He had a wonderful spirit and a great sense of humor. He seemed to get a long great with everyone. We didn't get to spend much time with him, but that didn't lessen our love for them. They were one of the first families I got to meet when my husband and I started dating. The boy's dad and M are childhood friends, so the connection is really strong. We will continue to pray for them as they learn to endure a new way of life based on memories. I pray they hold them close as they learn a new way of life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

He Dances

K has really like his Spanish CD. I can't wait to show this to him when he's older. He didn't know I was videoing or he wouldn't have done this. The boy is so silly when he's in a good mood. Love him SO much!


Did I mention that I have a stalker? Yep! They read my blogs and FB page to see what's going on, but they NEVER post comments on my blog, yet text me to ask me why I didn't put something particular on the blog. So, the next few blogs are for the family stalker. I hope you enjoy them too! :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today was quite a day. The kids let me sleep in until 7, which was really nice. When I went into the living room, K was playing on his Spanish game. I love the fact that he really has NO idea that he's learning. hehehe... it can be our secret for a little while longer. After he ate breakfast, I decided to try something a little different. While he did his math work, I played Mozart in the background. I think the kids enjoyed it some because at one point they acted as though they were the conductors of an orchestra. It was so cute!

L started and finished the day as a princess that she is. Now that she picks out her own clothes, she's really wearing out her princess dresses. While K did math and reading, L did some alphabet work. After that, they both drew pictures for me. They both did a really good job. I was impressed with both of them. Didn't she do a great job drawing me?

We had a first today. K actually told his sister to "Go to H*ll". Uh? What? He knew it was something he shouldn't have said. When I asked him where he heard it, he didn't want to tell me. He finally fessed up that it was from a fellow homeschool kid from church. Church of all places. Really? Well, we had a little talk and know he knows exactly what Hell is and what it's purpose is for. That's NOT something we say in our household to anyone EVER! He understood.

After all that excitement calmed down, I took a business call and then ran a business errand. Shortly after we got home, a friend came over to get some balloons that I thought I had. Fortunately, I realized we didn't have them before she got there and was able to go to the store to get some. I had offered to blow up some balloons for her while she cooked a special meal for her husband's birthday. She wasn't going to have time to do it and we both agreed that balloons help make a birthday and her kids would love it.

Needless to say, she left and decided to come back a couple of hours later. I was able to blow up enough balloons to fill one trash bag before my kids starting fighting over the bag of balloons. They got in trouble. The phone rang and then the doorbell rang. Our friends were here and the lady on the phone was wanting to book a party. Oh boy! As the kids nagged to come out of their room, I got off the phone as my friend patiently waited for everything to calm down so we could chat and hang out. The kids came out of their room and played for a bit while I was able to have a much needed adult conversation with my friend. As soon as she left, M drove up. We had sandwiches for dinner. Yum Yum! They all played for a bit, took a bath, and got ready for bed. Here it is now 10 p.m. and I'm trying to catch up on computer work and still need to finish my Bible Study. Now that I've typed out my day the question is... Did you really need to know all of those details?

Saturday, January 8, 2011


For those of you that may not know, I have officially started my own business (again). I'm really excited about it and look forward to sharing it with anyone and everyone. The name of the company is thirty-one. It's based on Proverbs 31 and the virtuous woman. They do a really good job of celebrating, encouraging, and rewarding women for their hard work. I got started at the end of September and became Sr. Consultant in December and am looking to promote to Director in Feb or March. It's a great company that offers great products to help organize your life and home. One of the best things about it is that it only cost $99 to get started and you get over $200 worth of product which really does sell itself. Almost anything can be embroidered for a low price of $6.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day in the Park

After Spa Day at MOPS this morning, I took the kids to the park. They had a great time and T made a new friend.

She kept giving him kisses... so sweet!

By the time we got home M had finished the floors in the laundry room He did such a great job! Now, I'm really getting excited about the sewing area and extra cabinets and shelving he's going to be build. YEAH!!!

After M went to work, the kids and I went to a friend's house for dinner and fellowship. The kids had fun as usual and it was nice getting some adult interaction. As soon as we got home (they live 1.8 miles from us) L changed clothes and immediately went to bed. Poor thing was so tired she didn't even wait for me to read her a book.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Sleeping Beauty

L had a really tough day today. Poor baby was tired. At one point she was one the couch watching a movie. When I turned around because she had been so quiet for so long, this is what I found... my Sleeping Beauty.K got a couple of bags of clothes today from a friend at church. In it, was this Black Spiderman Costume. It was one of the first things he put on after he finally took the snow boots (that he said he's always wanted) off. Here's a pic of my Spiderman and Princess watching a movie. I think this was probably one of the longest amount of times she has ever sat still for anything. It didn't last the entire movie, but it was quiet for a little while.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Growing Too Fast!

Today was yet another good day. Once we stop having so many great days to talk about, I will update with Christmas pictures I promise.
School went really well today but mostly because I told K he couldn't shoot his bow until all his work was complete. He finished in record time. K is breezing through his "1st grade" math and has already done two weeks of work in a couple of days. I think Math and Science are going to be his strong areas.

As you know from yesterdays post, T started crawling yesterday. I have to say the boy wastes no time. When I walked in his room this morning, he was standing in his crib. I really thought I had at least a couple of weeks before he would start doing that. They grow so fast. I forgot to mention that his first tooth is coming in too. It hasn't broke through the gums yet, but I can see the whiteness of it every time he takes a bite of his baby food.
I am fully aware that my baby is wearing Christmas pajamas. It's O.K. Really

I finally was able to run again. Unfortunately, it wasn't very far. I was only able to run about 2 miles before I started having side pains and had to stop. I was a little disappointed considering I was able to run 7 miles a couple of weeks ago. I only have 7 weeks until the Disney 1/2 Marathon. I really need to figure out a way I can run more often.

After my run, M started laying floors down in our laundry room. He's decided to go ahead and tackle it so he can build a sewing station for me in there. I'm really excited about that. I really don't like taking my sewing machine out of a box and then putting it back in every time I want to use it.


As you can see from the bottom left of the picture, M still has a little more to do. We have to move our freezer before he can finish. Hopefully tomorrow. (*fingers crossed*)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Great Day!

I posted something this morning in hopes of not needing to post anything again this evening, but it was such a great day that I just had to share the highlights with you.

For Christmas, K got a hunter's bow from his Granny Nee and great-great Uncles. We took it back because it was a right handed bow and he's left handed. After returning it, we realized K is right eye dominate, which is a bigger factor than him being left handed when shooting a bow. We went back to the store the day we took it back, but much to our dismay they wouldn't sell it back to us. M got online that day and ordered him another one. K has literally been counting down the days and when the UPS truck stopped at our house today, we had one excited little man. As soon as they opened the box K was outside practicing. He was actually pretty good and picked it up really quickly.
After we watched K shoot his new bow for a while, I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and work in our garden a little bit so I planted a grape plant and a raspberry bush. They're guaranteed to grow so I'm interested to see if I can be the one person that can't grow something that's guaranteed.
A little later while L was taking her bath, T decided to start crawling. At almost 9.5 months, he's finally getting around. He still gets mad if I leave the room because he can't keep up and so he doesn't even try, but when he's occupied in play, he crawls really well. Oh, and his first tooth is finally shining through. Although I can't feel it, I can see it. He doesn't do teething very well.

Later in the evening as I sat at my computer checking my e-mail I heard this scratching noise on my plastic dining room table. I thought my daughter was eating (her third dinner). I should have known better.
I'm really glad that we haven't found a nice dining room table yet. We might just wait until T is past this stage before we buy a nice one. Luckily it was washable markers so she was able to clean it up pretty easily.


Sleeping Baby

The old saying "Never Wake a Sleeping Baby" is upheld in this house. I don't like going anywhere if I have to wake any of my kids. Fortunately, last night when I took this picture, I wasn't planning on going anywhere. I had to take it because this is how his big brother slept when he was this age.
Here's a picture of K when he was a baby.

There's something about having a blanket on or over their faces that help them sleep better I guess.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Grade

Today wasn't too bad. It could've been worse that's for sure. You see, K has this idea that he has to know everything and always be right. When he doesn't know something, he gets really impatient and tunes everything out. We're helping him learn that it's O.K. to ask for help when you don't know something as opposed to just when you need something from someone. His math is still a little simple, but he got a little frustrated because he didn't understand what I was asking him to do. While he calmed down, I colored with L. As soon as he was ready, he asked for help and he accomplished the task pretty easily.
I read today that a friend of mine's kindergartner was learning fractions. K just finished his "K" math and there were no fractions. There aren't even fractions in his 1st grade math, but he'll get there. It gets a little hard sometime knowing what the public school system is teaching and knowing that my son isn't learning that right now, but then I realize, we've already talked about that and there are a lot of things the public school won't teach the kids that K will know and he will eventually learn fractions from a workbook as opposed to when we're eating pizza or cooking, which is very practical.
L colored a LOT today. She's getting a lot better at coloring inside the lines. She picked it up pretty quickly once her daddy sat down with her and colored a little. For some reason, I'm O.K. with my daughter coloring outside the lines right now. I'd like for her to start learning her colors. For now, everything is pink. I can hardly get her to count to four with me, but today, I heard her count to 6 when she was looking to see how much formula T had in his bottle. She knows more than she lets us know.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


K finished his "K" curriculum before Christmas and so tomorrow begins a new day with a new "curriculum" with LOTS of new things to learn. He's pretty excited about doing "1st grade" work. Although he did advance to the next level in Math and we're using a different curriculum for reading, the only thing extra we are adding is Language Arts and History/Science. I've decided we are going to do History 2 days a week and Science 3 days a week. K seems to like the hands-on Science experiments a lot better than the fact side of things. I'm really glad the history that we are going to be working with has a lot of hands on activities. I just hope he doesn't get bored with the details before we get to the activity. I'll post details in the next day or two on how it went.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Today is the first day of 2011. One of my (three) resolutions is to get better at keeping up with my blog so that the one reader I have can get the juicy details that I don't put on Facebook. hehehe

Today was a really great day to the start of the upcoming year. After M woke up (from working nights), we went to his parent's house for our annual New Year's meal. I never really liked cabbage until I had my father-in-law's. He really knows how to cook and I'm blessed that my husband can cook good too. Truth is, I don't think my father-in-law has ever cooked anything I didn't like.

We had cabbage, pork, black eyed peas, rice and gravy, rolls instead of cornbread, and mashed potatoes. It was yummy. After we ate, K shot the gun a little and then him and his Nana caught lizards. :-) I have a wonderful video of L trying to get away from the lizard, but I don't think she would really appreciate me posting it.

I think she thought she was going to get a turn, but he didn't return the favor.

As soon as we got home, M went to work, the kids got ready for bed, we all hung out, and they went to bed quite easily. While they were sleeping, I had the chance to blog hop a little and decided to make something that was much needed.



My little man is drooling so much that we go through 3-4 bibs a day. We can't have enough, so I decided to make some. I bought the dog print fabric a while back to try to make a cloth diaper. Needless to say, I haven't got to that yet.