Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's truly been a ferris wheel of a week and I think there's more ups and downs to come this week. Last week was a little hectic and very busy. I'm not really sure how we managed to get any "school" done, but we did and K actually learned a lot, including practicing patience.

I finally completed the bulk of work for our local homeschool association's directory and membership cards. Now, I just need to mail the ones that have not been picked them up.

M and I went to the movies with some other couples last night to watch Fireproof. I thought it was a very good christian movie. God and praying was very dominate in the movie. I was excited to see how packed it was and it got an ovation at the end. It's a movie that I think all couples should watch together. It will challenge you as a person, a christian, a spouse, and a parent. At least it challenged me. It was a good way to end the week.

This week will be full of fun! K is going to start taking swim classes twice a week (Tue and Thur), and we have two friends that are going to have babies. One is going in Mon. night and the other has scheduled a C-section for Thur. I'm going to document the c-section on Thur. It should be a very interesting yet busy week, but full of lots of blessings.

Enjoy your week and may blessings abundantly flow your way!

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