Monday, September 29, 2008

Blueberries for Sal

Last week, we started our week with Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey. We only did it a few days when K decided he wanted to do The Big Green Pocketbook again.
Baby L got to taste blueberries for the first time. She seemed to like them. No, I didn't give her the entire blueberry, but just the juicy center.
K also got to practice his math skills by putting in and taking out blueberries of his "pail".

We didn't use his actual tin pail like Sal's, b/c I couldn't find it. We finally found it this weekend.
We also studied the seasons by making a booklet with all four seasons in it. We cut the tree out of brown construction paper and then K added other "snow", "colored leaves" falling , or flower stickers to the pic. It turned out cute. I know he learned something b/c he mentioned the leaves falling off the trees outside today.

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