It all started with Baby L and I waking up at 7 a.m. We were the only ones awake, so I was able to get us both ready before starting breakfast. As I made breakfast for everyone, she played in her bouncer and just had a good time watching me. Shortly thereafter, Nana came in the kitchen and turned on the radio to listen to her local news to find out what was going on. As soon as I put breakfast on the table, the older two kids woke up in great moods and ate breakfast and got dressed.
With everyone up, fed, and dressed, I still had a few extra minutes before I needed to leave to go to BSF. I actually arrived a few minutes early. On my way there, my best friend called me to let me know she found a great sale on summer clothes for K and she bought me 8 pairs of shorts and a shirt for under $10. Who doesn't love a good sale?
After BSF, I had a small errand to run and then I returned home to relieve my mother-in-law of her babysitting duties. They left, and K and I ate a little food and then got ready for swimming class with other homeschoolers.
Today was his first day and to be honest, I didn't even think he woul
d get in the pool without me. I was WRONG! Not only did he get in the pool without me or a life jacket, but he told Ms. Trudy he could swim to her. Looking on in disbelief, I was even more shocked when he came back up, after sinking, that he didn't cry. He's just now getting to where he doesn't get upset when water gets in his eyes when he takes a shower. He ended up going under water 3 times. I'm still in disbelief...

After swim class, we came home. He told me he was hungry, so he ate. After he finished eating, we turned on a movie and in less than 10 mins, he was out cold. 1.5 hours later, I buckled him into his car seat while he was still sleeping and he woke up just as we got to the church to help set up for our first MOPS (Mother of PreSchoolers) meeting tomorrow. We were there for 2 hours and he was wonderfully good. We came home, he ate, took a bath, we read a book, and he went to bed. There was no yelling, no screaming, not fits.
It truly was a wonderful day!
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