Monday, December 14, 2009

A Different Kind of Sickness

For those of you that have read my blog within the past few days, know that K got sick Wednesday night, told me about it Thursday, and got sick again later that afternoon. When I called the nurse to ask her thoughts on it, she suggested that he probably had a bug and not to give him any stomach medicine because we wanted him to get diarrhea because that meant his body was getting rid of whatever virus he had. Well, he got diarrhea, but never really complained and it only lasted a short time. That seemed pretty harmless and was easy.
The next day, Friday, I decided to get up early so I can have my quiet time before the kids woke up. It was nice, until I got sick. It hit me so quick that I wasn't able to make it to the bathroom, but headed straight for the kitchen sink. Good thing I had put the dishes in the dishwasher that night. Since I didn't really have time to be sick because I had to be somewhere in a matter of hours, I did my thing, got ready, got the kids up and ready, and left. I felt fine the rest of the day and had normal energy.
Saturday was a good relaxing day.
Then there was Sunday. As usual, the kids and I went to church. Ms. Alex picked K up from church early and took him to a friend's house where they spent the afternoon watching the Saints game and playing with friends and then went to a church Christmas program in the evening. From what Alex and K said, K had a blast and was so worn out that he fell asleep during the program and only woke up to eat before going back to sleep and sleeping until the next morning. L was already asleep when K got home so, M and I had a nice and quiet evening until about 11:30 when we finally decided to go to bed. On the way to bed, I decided to take a peek at the kids and I'm glad I did. Much to my dismay, L was sleeping in her own vomit. GROSS! Had we not checked on her, she might have slept through the night. My darling husband, who I am so grateful for, helped me clean everything up. After we cleaned her up and changed her sheets, she went right back to sleep as though nothing had happened. Then, as soon as I fell asleep, I heard L crying. M and I agreed that the wash machine had woke her up since her crying and the spin cycle started about the same time. I got up to check on her and try to comfort her back to sleep when I realized it wasn't the spin cycle that had awaken her. She had thrown up again. Here it was midnight, M had to be up in 4 hours to get ready for work and yet he was gracious enough to help me clean up the mess, comfort our daughter back to sleep, and start another load of laundry, without complaining. I was fortunate enough that I was able to rock our darling daughter back to sleep (even though I didn't need to).
The next day, aside from the few extreme dirty diapers L had, all was well again. Everyone had their energy back and things were back to "normal", just in time for me to back 7 dozen cookies for 2 different cookie exchanges I had in the evening. Motherhood.... I wouldn't trade it for anything.


The Fruge's said...

So that's where we got it from!!!! Kyle and I have been sick but luckily Kylee is fine!

Anonymous said...


Good one on A Different Kind of Sickness.I recently found out 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes each year.And also I did find the toxins we use in our home here think it's time we all know about the toxins we use.
