Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram. Although Naaman was highly regarded by the king, he had leprosy. Normally, someone with leprosy was sent to live a very isolated life, but because victory had been given to Aram through Naaman (2 Kings 5:1), it's safe to say that he was given special privileges and rights that others with leprosy did not get.
At one point, Naaman's wife's mistress told Naaman's wife that he should go see the prophet of Samaria so he could be cured of leprosy. The king heard of this and sent Naaman to the king of Israel. Once Elisha, the prophet of God, heard of Naaman going to the king to seek healing for leprosy, he sent for him. It was at Elisha's door that a messenger greeted Naaman and told him to "Go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan..." (2 Kings 5:10)
Naaman had traveled all that way to give a letter to a king, only to be sent to someone else, whose messenger gave him the instructions. Needless to say, Naaman was angry. He had expectations of what was going to happen and being given a message by a messenger to wash in the Jordan was not on that list. He didn't understand why he had to travel all that way to wash in the Jordan when he could have stayed in the comfort of his own city and washed in their waters and had the same results. Weren't the rivers of Damascus better than the Jordan? It definitely would have been more convenient.
Naaman had gone to the king of Israel hoping he could be healed, but anticipated being healed on his terms, his ways, and his ideas. Finally, Naaman came to his senses, did as he was directed, and was cleansed.
Often times, we get in situations where we wonder what the purpose is. Why did we have to move? Why did this have to happen to me? Why did it have to happen this way? Couldn't I have just stayed in the comfort of my surroundings and the same thing happen?
The truth is that God wants us to step out on faith, accept his instruction, and follow Him no matter the inconvenience or discomfort it might cause. There will be times in our life that God needs us to do something or go somewhere that we may not be comfortable so that we can fulfill His purpose in the way He intended. It might not be easy, but if we're willing to follow His direction and guidance, just as Naaman did, we too can find what we're looking for, just maybe not in the way we expected.
"Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise." Proverbs 19:20
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
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