Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby L!!!

It was on this day last year that I got to hold my baby girl for the very first time. She was supposed to be an April Fool's baby, but the joke was on me because I still had to be induced 2 days later. She has truly been a blessing and I wouldn't trade a single sleepless night for anything. Here are some pictures of her from the past year. If you look closely, you'll notice she's a lot happier when she's not confined or being held... ;-)

April 3, 2008 - 7 a.m.

hours oldone month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months 9 months10 months11 months



1 comment:

The Fruge's said...

Wow, she's grown so much! It's amazing how fast time flies. We miss you guys!!!