He is risen!!! Today is a wonderful day to celebrate all the blessings we have and have been given because He died and rose again so that we may live forever.
We discovered last night that all of the girls have chicken pox, so we weren't able to attend church today. I wasn't able to go to church last Easter either because K was sick. Fortunately for us, Easter isn't about going to church, but about celebrating the fact that He is risen and is alive!

Even though M had to work, our day has been full of blessings. L was the first to wake up. After K woke up, he went through his Easter basket gifts and then he embarked on his Easter egg hunt through the house, looking for eggs that resembled animals from Noah's ark.

Even L found an egg. After K found them all, he paired them up and we ate breakfast. After breakfast, he ate ALL the candy. He didn't get any candy in his basket, but got fun practical things like a notepad and pen, glider jet, superman bowl, silly sting, you know the fun stuff that he'll actually use.

When Courtney and Victoria woke up, they found they had an Easter surprise too. Their boxes, which can be used later, had
jewelry, notepads with some of their favorite sayings, silly string, and a movie. Did you know that if you lose a Blockbuster movie they charge you for a used movie price? I didn't until the lady at Blockbuster told me...
After the unveiling of the gifts, the silly sting fight began. Notice Victoria is on the phone...

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