Saturday, January 24, 2009

(Some)things that Make me Happy

A fellow blogger, HomeschoolingFun, gave me some love by giving me an award. This is my first award since I have been blogging, but I feel very honored and excited. Being praised is one of my love languages.... :-)If you haven't checked out her blog, please take the time, it's fun and creative.

Here are the rules for the award:
-List six things that make you happy.
-Pass the award on to 5 other bloggers.
-Link back to the person who gave you the award.
-Link to the people you are passing it on to and leave them a comment to let them know.

1. God has given me another wonderful day to share with those I love

2. When my husband kisses me when he gets home and/or before he leaves to go anywhere.

3. When V and C are smiling, laughing, and having a good time.

4. When K asks if he can help me or his daddy do something.

5. When K walks by his sister and gives her a hug or a kiss simply because he wants to

6. When K says please, thank you, and/or prays without being prompted

Here are a few people I would like to pass the award on to...

1. MandyMom

2. TheCraftyCrow

3. RamblingsofaCrazyWoman

4. TheyCallMeMommy

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I don't know how I missed this the other day when reading your blog! Congrats and thanks...all in one.

I'm loving blogging more now than ever.

I love reading your journey.