I've decided to use a different curriculum. Although I love and enjoy
Five In a Row, I feel as though I was being pulled in a different direction and I had to stop resisting the change. I finally made the plunge and bought our new curriculum,
My Father's World. After about an hour or two of contemplating, I purchased it about 11:30 p.m. Thursday night, closed my computer and went to bed. The next morning, I had an e-mail from a friend that she was selling her curriculum of
MFW. The one I had
just bought only hours ago for less than 1/2 the price of what I had just paid. Although my friend lives hours away, she was going to be in town that weekend, the next day, for our church's annual Ladies' Conference. I immediately called the company and asked them if they could stop the process. It was only 9 a.m. and they had already packaged the curriculum and it was waiting to ship. Fortunately, they were able to cancel the order and I was able to help my distant friend out by buying her curriculum, would be able to start the new curriculum within a few days, and saved money.
We started the curriculum on Monday and have already completed 4 days of work in about 1 hour worth of time in 2 days. K is very encouraged by MFW as I am because the "seat work" is very minimal (as of now), and it's reinforcing somethings he already knows as well as teaching him some new things and it incorporates God and the Bible in every lesson.
Today, we started the process of making raisins and made a sundial, which we'll put outside tomorrow (if it's not raining).
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