Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Going Green

Last year, M mentioned that we need a garden. As much as I liked the idea of having one, I never did the proper research to create on, therefore never made a garden. It was an even better idea this year since we now had two teenagers living with us, but once again, it was only a thought never to be acted upon. One day!

Although we haven't started our own garden, we have done a couple of things to help the environment. We recycle cardboard and plastic and we've started a compost pile.

When M mentioned we should start a compost, I quickly realized he meant he wanted me to start a compost pile. So, I did! We now have a food compost. Although a compost can contain a lot more than just food, he wanted to restrict it to food since it is somewhat visible in our side yard.

Although we don't have a garden yet, our lifestyle is becoming more environment friendly and even K helps with the compost pile and no longer throws food in the trash. Did you know if more people recycled or had a compost pile, as a nation, we could conserve 10 tons of garbage a year?

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