Since he's been able to walk, we've taught him and encouraged him to pick up after himself and help others. Even though he's not yet 4, when he's done with his meal, it's his responsibility to put his plate and silverware in the dishwasher. He even gets his own drinks
if there is a cup available. He helps with the laundry by putting the clothes in the washer or dryer and he learned how to fold washcloths and socks when he was 2. He has vacuumed my bedroom, swept my kitchen, and would help mop if I would let him, but I think he would have too much fun playing in the water. Just the other day, when I came back inside from taking the trash out, he had already put a new trash bag in the trash can for me. I didn't even have to ask or mention it. I never once taught him or showed him, but he's always watching. I don't say this to brag because trust me, he doesn't help every time with everything, but I can start to see baby L pick up on some of the same behaviors - yes, even at 10.5 months.
Today, while her and K were taking a bath, K started wiping the water off the tub and she got a washcloth and started imitating him. It was so cute. Here's a video of her helping me with her laundry. I'm teaching her young... :-) Now if I could just get her to stop turning red & screaming at me when she wants my attention...
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