Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tues Appt

So, I finally got through to my Dr.'s office on Monday to find out why I was needing to be seen on Tues.

*Did I mention that I saw him at church on Sunday and asked him if I should be concerned? As he continued to walk past me, he turned around to look at me and said no. That gave me a little relief but peeked my curiosity a little more as to why I would need an appt. if there wasn't anything wrong.

Come to find out, I just need to keep my business to myself. When my family Dr. found out that I had gone to see another Dr., he realized I hadn't been in to see him in a while and he just wanted to follow up. There was no reason for concern, but he just wanted to see what was going on. I politely explained to the lady on the phone (which also goes to our church) that I don't have the time to spend over an hour in the waiting room with 2 small kids just for the Dr. to ask me what's been going on when the CT scan shows there nothing to be concerned about. So, I cancelled my appt. and went out of town to see a friend in the hospital.

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