Thursday, October 23, 2008

Unnecessary Worries

As a human, a wife, and a mother I can't help but worry sometimes. I really try not to because the Bible specifically says not to. It's not as easy to do as it seems as though it should be. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Matthew 6:34

To worry shows little faith in God.

I was reminded of my lack of need to worry as my day progressed today. I woke up this morning with SO much to do today. I had made my list last night and it looked like this:

  1. BSF - 9:15-11:15 (20 min drive one way)

  2. Rich Dad Poor Dad Conference - 12:30-2ish - (about 10 mins from BSF, but had to take kids home first)

  3. K's swim class 3:30-4:15 (by my house)

  4. take kids to sitter's for 5:30 (20 min drive one way)

  5. people coming over at 7

I truly had no idea how I was going to get all that done, feed the kids and myself, and still clean the house for those coming over. I got a little worried. "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life" Matthew 6:27

I didn't set my alarm because I knew one of the kids would wake me in due time to get ready. I was right. K crawled into bed with us about 7 a.m., but I didn't get out of bed until 7:30 a.m. I had just enough time to get the three of us ready for BSF. As I got baby L ready, I noticed her voice was getting a little raspy and she didn't seem to be feeling too good. Uh oh! More teeth coming in? Off to BSF we went and of course, I was a little late.

After BSF, I took the kids home and ate lunch while M took K to get a movie. They got home in enough time for me to visit for a brief minute and leave. I made it to the hotel at 12:31 p.m. Registration had not started yet. I really dislike being late. Lucky for me, I wasn't - they were.

I left the conference at 2 so M could go to work early. We met in the parking lot, loaded up the kids, and I rushed to get home so K could change clothes for swim class. As he was about to change, I noticed I had a message on our phone. Swim class was cancelled. *Sigh* One worry taken care of. I actually had a couple of hours to clean... YEAH!!! K wasn't too happy. He was looking forward to going. He doesn't do too well with schedule changes. It's for that reason that I usually don't tell him when we're going to do something. Especially, if there is a remote chance the plans could change.

Anyway! After a K threw a brief tantrum, he fell asleep. He woke up with enough time to eat before Ms. Alex came to pick him up. I was going to take them to her house (20 mins) away, but she was kind and wonderful enough to come pick them up for me. They left the house about 6:30ish.

After everyone that come over at 7 p.m. left, I went and picked up the kids at Ms. Alex's at 9 p.m.. Baby L cried the entire way home. Poor Baby barely had a voice to cry with.

In worrying, I caused extra strife on myself and probably stressed my relationships a little. It had all been taken care of. I know I could have not done any of the things on my list at any point, but I'm not that type of person. I had already made commitments and didn't want to not show up just because it was inconvenient for me.

Had I completely surrendered and not worried, not only would everything had been taken care of like it had been, but my relationships with those I loved wouldn't have suffered any because I would have been more calm.

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