Friday, January 29, 2010
It's Official!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
They're Smart!
Just Pictures
K & L rolling the ball back and forth.
L wearing K's spiderman mask. She chased K around trying to scare him. It was too cute!
K's "rock" that he made that consisted of every couch pillow and his bedroom pillows.
Dancing L
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Buzz Lightyear
Grandfather's 92nd B-Day
my dad and most of his siblings
3rd cousins playing together
My brother & his family
L and her new best friend, her Pappy (my dad), feeding her cake
K found the mud and the water... notice he's wearing his boots... I was prepared!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Baby It's Cold Outside!
About 8 or 9 in the morning.
He came back in pretty quickly to get his jacket. You know, the one I asked him if he needed before he went outside.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Our Big Helpers
He's also a big help with L's potty training. The other day, he brought her some toys to play with while she was sitting on the potty and he even showed her how he gets to flush when he's done going on the potty. He's such a big boy. I caught him washing L's hair a couple of times too. I had stepped out of the bathroom for a minute while they were bathing and when I came back I saw L letting K wash her hair. I quickly ran to get the camera, but naturally I was too late. I think one of the cutest thing he does to help his sister is when she's trying to get on one of the beds and he tries to help her by pushing her from behind. The funny thing is that she almost weighs as much as he does. Here's a picture of K helping paint the garage.
L putting lids and sippy cups in the bottom drawer.
L helping me put dishes away. I always put the cutting knives away before she starts helping so I don't have to worry about her grabbing one.
*Notice K in the back trying to get her hair in the plane. Fortunately for everyone, he was unsuccessful.
Math & Geography
K enjoys playing this game and it's helped him learn his states. We keep it pretty simple and just spin and move our car the appropriate spaces, but every time we land on a state, we have to say the state out loud. He can recognize about 10-15 states on any map. I hope he continues to enjoy learning as he gets older.
Potty Training Follow-Up
Just Digging
New Year's Eve
L wasn't too interested in the fireworks.